- Psycho
- Psycho
Dictionary of contemporary English. 2013.
Dictionary of contemporary English. 2013.
Psycho — is slang for a person who is either psychopathic or psychotic. The term is often considered mildly offensive or derogatory. Films * Psycho (1960 film), directed by Alfred Hitchcock * Psycho (1998 film), a remake directed by Gus Van Sant * Psycho… … Wikipedia
Psycho — steht für: Seele, Bestandteil von Fremdwörtern aus dem Griechischen, siehe Liste griechischer Wortstämme in deutschen Fremdwörtern #P Psychologie, Wissenschaft über das Erleben und Verhalten des Menschen Psychopath, ein sich eigenartig… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Psycho- — Psy cho A combining form from Gr. psychh the soul, the mind, the understanding; as, psychology. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
psycho... — psycho... [griechisch psyche̅ »Hauch«, »Atem«; »Lebenskraft«, »Seele«], vor Vokalen gelegentlich verkürzt zu psych..., Wortbildungselement mit der Bedeutung: Seele, Seelenleben; Gemüt, z. B. Psychologie … Universal-Lexikon
psycho- — [saıkəu, kə US kou, kə] prefix [: Greek; Origin: psyche; PSYCHE] also psych technical relating to the mind and the mental processes, rather than the body ▪ a psychoanalyst … Dictionary of contemporary English
Psycho — (1960) a US ↑horror film (= a film that is intended to make you feel frightened) made by Alfred Hitchcock. Its most famous scene is the one in which the character acted by Janet Leigh is killed with a knife by Norman Bates, played by Anthony… … Dictionary of contemporary English
psycho- — [saıkəu, kə US kou, kə] prefix [: Greek; Origin: psyche; PSYCHE] also psych technical relating to the mind and the mental processes, rather than the body ▪ a psychoanalyst … Dictionary of contemporary English
psycho- — [ saıkou ] prefix connected with your mind: used with some nouns and adjectives: psychobiology (=the study of the relationship between a person s mind and their body) … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
psycho — 1927 (adj.), shortening of psychological; 1936 as shortening of psychopathic (adj.). The noun , short for psychopath, is attested from 1942 … Etymology dictionary
psycho- — element meaning mind, mental, from Gk. psykho , combining form of psykhe (see PSYCHE (Cf. psyche)) … Etymology dictionary